Libra – तुला राशि

Know About Your Love-Career-Health-June-2023


When Venus meets up with seductive Scorpio on September 9, your love life is red hot. You’re looking for someone to complete you in every way possible (mind, body, and soul), and you won’t settle for less.The businesslike sextile between Venus and serious Saturn on the twelfth puts the future into focus and makes you think about what you want from a lover over the long term. You don’t have to be exactly where you want to be right now, but you should know which direction you need to go to get there eventually.The full Aries moon on September 24 encourages you to end something once and for all. If it isn’t working, you have other options.


If you’ve worked from home in the past, this trend could begin again starting September 6. Don’t let personal problems interfere with your work in the days surrounding the eighth. Develop a strategy for keeping calm.The new moon on September 9 could attract an exciting moneymaking opportunity. Working with a hospital, government agency, or university is a distinct possibility.A budget might be dramatically slashed on the twelfth. Be prepared to dip into your own bank account to finance an important project. On September 24, the full moon could trigger an argument with a business partner or client.


With the sun in a quieter and more secluded sector of your chart, you might find that your energy level dips. The same could be true because of ethereal Neptune in your wellness zone. You might feel mysteriously lethargic at times, and this could prevent you from making the effort necessary to stay in peak health.Visualization is something you can employ that might be helpful to you. Imagine yourself having the energy to exercise and accomplishing other health routines. If you do this daily, you might find that you can accomplish more.

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